Civil Economy

essays, research and articles ranging from economy to the history of ideas

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The EoC: a way for everyone

We are publishing in advanced the introduction to the 2011 EoC Report, which will be published shortly by Luigino Bruni We present to you the "2011 EoC Report," with gratitude - to God, to Chiara, the entrepreneurs, the commissions, and all the EoC actors; the report of among the most difficult year...
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Message of Hope to transform Greed

Voices on Structural Greed interview to Luigino Bruni published on, october 13, 2011 More than 40 delegates, including a dozen Muslims, church officials, economists and secular social activists met at the end of September 2011 in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia to address the question of s...
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Three messages from the crisis

Three messages from the crisis

Comments - Banks, Europe, use of resources by Luigino Bruni published on Avvenire on 28/12/2011 Finance and the economy are too important to be left with financiers and economists. I believe this could be summed up with the message that comes from the second and conclusive part of 201...
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Nostalgia for the Future. Steve Jobs’ Life Message

The founder of Apple and Pixar passed away today at the age of 56 by Luigino Bruni There are primarily three major messages that this extraordinary man left us. The first: great innovations in the economy are always related to the people. It is not the capital, money or technology; it is the person ...
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Making Cakes

Making Cakes

Editorial - Entrepreneurs, Not Speculators by Luigino Bruni published on Avvenire on 02/10/2011 One does not get out of any crisis with reductions and tax cuts. There is an urgent need for the civil, political and economic factory to start up again. Then the question becomes real and seri...
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The right path is difficult

The right path is difficult

Comments - Three fragility and too much indecisions The right path is difficult by Luigino Bruni published on Avvenire on 06/09/2011 As Italians and Europeans we must have the courage to come to terms with the reality. Behind the stock market crisis and markets around the world there is ...
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Rewarding the honest

Rewarding the honest

Comments - The weapon against more tax evasion Rewarding the honest by Luigino Bruni published on Avvenire on 28/08/2011 For teachers exams are a sad ritual in search of hidden notes and of new tricks to pass the test without studying. When a course is particularly led to these malpractices the firs...
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Both future and present, maybe it's time of the youth quota

Both future and present, maybe it's time of the youth quota

Comments – What this World Youth Day leaves Both future and present, maybe it's time of the youth quota by Luigino Bruni published on the Avvenire on 23/08/2011  It was impressive to see in these days, the stark contrast between what happened at the WYD in Madrid and the turbulence, uncertainty...