Civil Economy

essays, research and articles ranging from economy to the history of ideas

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The Economy of Francis

The Economy of Francis

Commentary – Idea and action for a culture that includes embraces By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on March 24, 2013 St. Francis' name evokes many meanings, including some related to the economy and finance. If we want and are willing to listen, he will reveal an essential message on how to t...
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Encyclicals' impact on the economy

Encyclicals' impact on the economy

By Luigino Bruni Published in Città Nuova n. 5/2013 on March 10, 2013 In our hedonistic, consumeristic, and finance centric culture, love may be the most used and worn out word. However, Benedict XVI made it the core of his social doctrine. Deus Caritas est and Caritas in Veritate, are, respectively...
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Sister Beauty

Sister Beauty

Commentary – Beauty brought about the Economy and Civility in Italy. Let’s protect it and start producing it again. By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on March 17, 2013 Beauty’s civil and economic virtues are vital for us. Beauty is necessary to renew the economy and labor market, to establ...
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Our children, foreigners

Our children, foreigners

Commentary – The Cyclops' era: hostility in the labour market. By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on 10/03/2013 It is crucial that we rediscover the virtue of hospitality. This is particularly true when looking at today's youth who have become increasingly like foreigners in their own...
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The Market is also a Public Thing

The Market is also a Public Thing

Comments – More Democracy is Necessary By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on 03/03/2013 A referendum is being held in Switzerland today to put a break on remunerations for managers of societies quoted on the stock market.  This is a good occasion to reopen the topic of the income...
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Three Words to Restart (and a Right Desire)

Three Words to Restart (and a Right Desire)

Comments –Lenten Christian Culture and its Civil Nature By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on 17/02/2013 Lent also has a civil nature, which reveals itself to us if we read its words in the light of this crucial phase of our public life.  These words are articulated and go to for...
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Bridging the Gap Between Labor and Education

Bridging the Gap Between Labor and Education

Commentary – Labor and education in the course of our lives. By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on February 10, 2013 We must urgently rethink the relationship between the workplace and the schoolroom; labor is hardly ever present in the education of young people. In a traditional soci...
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Word of the Year

Word of the Year

Comments - «Politics»: May it Find Morality and Itself By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on 02/01/2013 «Economy» has been the reigning word in 2012.  The first word of 2013 must be «Politics» if we want the year ahead to be better for the economy too.  There is, in fact, th...