Civil Economy

essays, research and articles ranging from economy to the history of ideas

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A map of a "new world" and nostalgia of the sea

Diary of the trip to Kenya, 1st part, Beginning of the Pan African EoC School, January 23, 2011 By Luigino Bruni The first day of the Pan African EoC School at Mariapolis Piero has begun with much joy and with the atmosphere that grand occasions have, characterized by both seriousness and happiness ...
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The Virtues of the Market: Hope

Today, economy and market are dominated by the idea of fortune. One is successful because of personal charisma and favorable coincidences. Instead, the entrepreneur knows that hope is the motor of enterprise, because it creates relationships and determines certainty in the return on one’s talents. H...
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In favor of an economy of the “already”

By Luigino Bruni Introduction to the Economy of Communion 2009/2010 Report  We’re now in the Economy of Communion’s twentieth year. And birthdays, as we know, are also important moments to weigh how things are and set new horizons. The EoC, as we familiarly say, is alive and growing in today’s ...
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The Virtues of the Market: Fraternity

The market today is considered non-moral almost by nature. And the crisis has accented this perception. Instead, what prevails is a pathological version of the market. To get out of this trap, we need to rediscover an unexpected virtue – that of fraternity. Beyond the crisis: from econo-my to econo-...
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The Virtues of the Market: Commons: The virtue to rediscover in order to save us from extinction

It’s fraternity. Few associate it with economic talk. But without it, there’s no model that stands. As is happening today, the individual logic of maximizing one’s advantage at the cost of everyone’s interests is bringing us to a dead end. Commons: The virtue to rediscover in order to save us f...
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Which development model?

Which development model?

It is understandable how behind the alarms of markets and stock exchanges there is an invitation, maybe even a cry, for a serious change in lifestyle By Luigino Bruni Published on: on 23/11/2010 The financial crisis in Ireland, following that of Greece, does nothing but remind us ...
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The Virtues of the Market: The world runs well if everyone takes care of their own interests

ECONOMICS LESSONS. Luigino Bruni:  independence as a healthy market value THE WORLD RUNS WELL IF EVERYONE TAKES CARE OF THEIR OWN INTERESTS It is not a paradox but an economic rule. As Smith said, caring for personal interests is a virtue.Even if today, in complex societies, this rule vacillate...
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Speculative finance gives a hand to microcredit

Speculative finance gives a hand to microcredit

Economist Bruni makes a proposal: tax 5 percent of financial transactions to support developing countries By Sara Fornaro Published on on 29/10/2010 A tax of 5 percent on speculative financial transactions to fund microfinance projects in developing countries. This is the proposal ma...