Civil Economy

essays, research and articles ranging from economy to the history of ideas

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Beyond the Language of Consumption

Beyond the Language of Consumption

Commentary - Esteem: A Scarce and Valuable Good. By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on July 14, 2013 Esteem is an increasingly scarce good in our society, and therefore is all the more valuable. Though “demand” for esteem is on the rise, the “supply” is insufficient because we are all so b...
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We Need to Talk!

We Need to Talk!

Commentary – Interpersonal business relationships By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on June 16, 2013 Employed workers suffer from general anxiety due to the high rates of unemployment. In Southern Europe employees are increasingly unsatisfied (Ipsos, TNS-sofres). 68% of French workers state tha...
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The Monster in Paradise

The Monster in Paradise

Commentary – The necessary war against offshore businesses. By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on June 23, 2013 The latest protests in Brazil, triggered by the World Cup, and the G8's war against tax havens share the same origins. The World Cup “industry” doesn't represent the true be...
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The Wheat and the Weeds

The Wheat and the Weeds

Commentary - Envy nourishes crises By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on June 30, 2013 Our society could resolve much of its discontent by better handling its passions and feelings. Envy is one of the most devastating and dangerous of these feelings, particularly during crises. It...
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The Strong Birch Tree

The Strong Birch Tree

Commentary – Enterprise, hierarchy and philia By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on June 06, 2013 People believe that on a sinking ship the captain's rule must be absolute. Hierarchy today in corporations is increasingly ridged, and this type of corporate hierarchy negatively affects d...
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The Powerful and Limited Body

The Powerful and Limited Body

Listen to the human body's memories and teachings. By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on June 02, 2013 A new understanding of the human body can increase employment and improve the economy. Real bodies, our bodies, are ignored while people adore, praise and worship fake human figures. ...
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Find the Roots and Hit the Road

Find the Roots and Hit the Road

Commentary – The desire for communities: Making our way home after the crisis. Published in Avvenire on May 26, 2013 People long for new communities. They crave something more in their lives; they are nostalgic (with saudade) and long to be part of something more enduring than themselves. Fifty...
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Ask the Youth

Ask the Youth

Commentary – The Spirit that creates labor. By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on May 12, 2013 Our crisis arises from more than just financial causes. Despite the improving condition of the stock market and the financial spreads, the unemployment rate, particularly among the youth, has not decre...