Civil Economy

essays, research and articles ranging from economy to the history of ideas

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Narcissism and Sloth

Narcissism and Sloth

Commentary – The awful vices of crises By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on May 12, 2013 Sloth is becoming a social disease. It affects people's character, spirit and will-power. This vice, despite being pervasive in our society, is not taken seriously. It is usually considered a...
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Back to the Theaters

Back to the Theaters

Commentary – The market and human relationships. By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on May 5, 2013 Movie theaters are not only businesses but a unique means to build relationships. However, lately a great number of them have had to close down due to the crisis. Unfortunately, they...
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A Holiday of Responsibility and Hope

A Holiday of Responsibility and Hope

Commentary – Italy and today's May Day celebration. By Luigino Bruni Pubblished in Avvenire on May 1, 2013 This year May Day is celebrated with mixed emotions. Today we celebrate labor (which is always a good thing) while remembering its absence. Those who lost their jobs and the young people unable...
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Eyes that Encourage Recovery

Eyes that Encourage Recovery

Commentary – Genovesi's call to Italy (and South of Europe): Be yourself! By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on April 28, 2013 The connected, interdependent networks making up the market economy can bring about both wonderful and terrifying outcomes. In times of prosperity, wealth is distributed...
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The Meaning of Business

The Meaning of Business

Commentary – Today's social blight: a crisis of “great depression”. By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on April 21, 2013 While the suicides of entrepreneurs and workers continue to hit the headlines, there's no news about the excessive involuntary “death” of businesses. The signs of a ...
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Five and a Hundred

Five and a Hundred

Commentary – Recovering the purpose and productive capacity of capital to overcome the crisis. By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on April 04, 2013 Crises, especially deep rooted and severe ones,  cause a loss of productive capacity in the economy and civil society, inhibiting the ability ...
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Dismantling the Trap

Dismantling the Trap

Commentary – Italy and Europe, government and business By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on April 07, 2013 We are caught in a trap of poverty and are witnessing its distinct cycle: (1) States are in debt and have to find resources; (2) they can't count on the income of their GDP because of the...
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Active on Saturday

Active on Saturday

Commentary – Society and the economy, women and charisms By Luigino Bruni Published in Avvenire on March 30, 2013 It has never been more clear that the political, civil, and economic world we built in the 20th century is over and far from “resurrection”. It's Saturday, and the new world has 'not ye...