Messaggero di S. Antonio

stdClass Object
    [id] => 18774
    [title] => Life first, then work
    [alias] => life-first-then-work
    [introtext] => 

If we want to have a fair relationship with work, we must remember that first it is man and woman who ennoble work with their presence, their hands and their intelligence.

by Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 06/07/2023

The environmental, financial and military crises of the beginning of this millennium, all of them so serious that they cannot be ignored, however, also risk making us underestimate or forget a triple crisis that we talk too little about: the crisis of faith, of grand narratives and of generation. A world that no longer awaits paradise, that has forgotten collective narratives and that does not bring forth children, no longer finds sufficient meaning to live and thus to work. The so-called ‘Great Resignation’ of millions of workers, young and middle-aged, who quit their jobs without having another one, certainly have many reasons, but there is one that is becoming dominant. It is failing to answer a crucial question: “Why should I work if I no longer hope for a promised land (above or below the skies), if I there is no one hoping for a better present and future as a result of my work?

[fulltext] =>

We must never forget that the world of work has never created nor exhausted the meaning of work. Work is an important part of the meaning of life, but it does not exhaust it; we need something else besides work to live well, even when work is beautiful and fulfils us completely. In the past, this ‘something else’ was the family, the ideologies, religion: these gave work its proper meaning. Then the factory, the fields or the office reinforced that meaning, but it was born outside of work. Work was good because before and after work there were things and people greater than work. Work was and is great, but to be seen in its true greatness it must be looked at from outside, from a door or a window that opens onto the outside of the workplace; because without this larger space that prepares and follows work, the work room is too small, the roof of the factory or office is too low for that infinitely sick animal that is homo sapiens to be able to stay there feeling well without suffocating, and to stay there for a long time.

Our Constitution is founded on work because work was founded on something else, it was founded on life. If the constituent mothers and fathers had not been convinced that work was only a part of life, that it was that middle zone between a before and an after, they would never have written Article 1 the way they did; because to have founded the constitution on work that was not founded on anything else would have been the greatest ethical heresy. Also because in that something that precedes and follows work there are the children who do not work because they do not have to work, the old who no longer work, those who could not work or will never work because life prevents them from doing so. Founding democracy on work is only good if we remember that the word work is second, not first.

Work ennobles man, it is true. Working makes us better and increases the dignity of life and of the money we need to live, because money-salary becomes an expression of that civil reciprocity that is the good cement of society. But if we want to have a fair relationship with work, we must remember that first it is man and woman who ennoble work with their presence, their hands and their intelligence. Because if an activity, which could be performed by a machine is instead performed by a free human person, that person gives that act - a university lecture, a medical examination, a work of art - greater dignity. So every time we expel workers and insert machines, we are reducing the dignity of that workplace. It is our work that increases the dignity of the earth.

Credits foto: © Giuliano Dinon / MSA Archive

[checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [catid] => 889 [created] => 2023-07-06 08:54:16 [created_by] => 64 [created_by_alias] => Luigino Bruni [state] => 1 [modified] => 2023-07-31 07:07:41 [modified_by] => 64 [modified_by_name] => Antonella Ferrucci [publish_up] => 2023-07-06 08:54:16 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [images] => {"image_intro":"","image_sp_full":"images\/2023\/07\/06\/Lavoro_lug-ago_2023@MSA_ant.jpg","image_sp_thumb":"images\/2023\/07\/06\/Lavoro_lug-ago_2023@MSA_ant_thumbnail.jpg","image_sp_medium":"images\/2023\/07\/06\/Lavoro_lug-ago_2023@MSA_ant_medium.jpg","image_sp_large":"images\/2023\/07\/06\/Lavoro_lug-ago_2023@MSA_ant_large.jpg","float_intro":"","image_intro_alt":"","image_intro_caption":"","image_fulltext":"","float_fulltext":"","image_fulltext_alt":"","image_fulltext_caption":""} [urls] => {"urla":false,"urlatext":"","targeta":"","urlb":false,"urlbtext":"","targetb":"","urlc":false,"urlctext":"","targetc":""} [attribs] => {"article_layout":"","show_title":"","link_titles":"","show_tags":"","show_intro":"","info_block_position":"","info_block_show_title":"","show_category":"","link_category":"","show_parent_category":"","link_parent_category":"","show_associations":"","show_author":"","link_author":"","show_create_date":"","show_modify_date":"","show_publish_date":"","show_item_navigation":"","show_icons":"","show_print_icon":"","show_email_icon":"","show_vote":"","show_hits":"","show_noauth":"","urls_position":"","alternative_readmore":"","article_page_title":"","show_publishing_options":"","show_article_options":"","show_urls_images_backend":"","show_urls_images_frontend":"","spfeatured_image":"images\/2023\/07\/06\/Lavoro_lug-ago_2023@MSA_ant.jpg","spfeatured_image_alt":"","post_format":"standard","gallery":"","audio":"","video":"","helix_ultimate_video":"","helix_ultimate_article_format":"standard","helix_ultimate_image":"images\/2023\/07\/06\/Lavoro_lug-ago_2023@MSA_ant.jpg","link_title":"","link_url":"","quote_text":"","quote_author":"","post_status":""} [metadata] => {"robots":"","author":"","rights":"","xreference":""} [metakey] => [metadesc] => [access] => 1 [hits] => 562 [xreference] => [featured] => 1 [language] => en-GB [on_img_default] => [readmore] => 2751 [ordering] => 15 [category_title] => EN - 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Antonio [helixultimate_page_subtitle] => Civil Economy [helixultimate_page_title_heading] => h2 [page_title] => Messaggero di S. Antonio [page_description] => [page_rights] => [robots] => [access-view] => 1 ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [displayDate] => 2023-07-06 08:54:16 [tags] => Joomla\CMS\Helper\TagsHelper Object ( [tagsChanged:protected] => [replaceTags:protected] => [typeAlias] => [itemTags] => Array ( ) ) [slug] => 18774:life-first-then-work [parent_slug] => 893:it-editoriali-vari [catslug] => 889:en-msa [event] => stdClass Object ( [afterDisplayTitle] => [beforeDisplayContent] => [afterDisplayContent] => ) [text] =>

If we want to have a fair relationship with work, we must remember that first it is man and woman who ennoble work with their presence, their hands and their intelligence.

by Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 06/07/2023

The environmental, financial and military crises of the beginning of this millennium, all of them so serious that they cannot be ignored, however, also risk making us underestimate or forget a triple crisis that we talk too little about: the crisis of faith, of grand narratives and of generation. A world that no longer awaits paradise, that has forgotten collective narratives and that does not bring forth children, no longer finds sufficient meaning to live and thus to work. The so-called ‘Great Resignation’ of millions of workers, young and middle-aged, who quit their jobs without having another one, certainly have many reasons, but there is one that is becoming dominant. It is failing to answer a crucial question: “Why should I work if I no longer hope for a promised land (above or below the skies), if I there is no one hoping for a better present and future as a result of my work?

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-odd )
Life first, then work

Life first, then work

If we want to have a fair relationship with work, we must remember that first it is man and woman who ennoble work with their presence, their hands and their intelligence. by Luigino Bruni published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 06/07/2023 The environmental, financial and military crises of th...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 19543
    [title] => The poor and the ideology of merit
    [alias] => the-poor-and-the-ideology-of-merit
    [introtext] => 

A social system that rewards the already capable does nothing but leave the less capable, who are generally not so because of demerit, but because of their living conditions, further and further behind.

by Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 04/06/2023

The resignation of Senator Carlo Cottarelli because, among other things, he did not see his party as strong enough in its support for meritocracy, has once again drawn attention to the meaning and ideology of merit in our time. Merit has always been an ambiguous word, because it is deeply linked to the fascination that merit exerts on all of us. We would all like to be deserving of our successes (less of our failures), no one likes to think that the nice career they have had is only the result of good luck and recommendations.

[fulltext] =>

But if we take a look at how merit is used, yesterday and today, in the concrete choices of the economy and society, we realise that it has almost never been on the side of the poor, who have often been discarded and then blamed because they were considered undeserving, thus convincing them that they were not only poor but also at fault and cursed. The word merit derives from (Latin) merere, meaning to earn, from which mercede (earnings, payment) and meretrice (prostitute) also derive. Meritocracy is the ideology of merit that, like all ideologies, takes a word that we like and that fascinates us, and then manipulates and perverts it. And so, in the name of appropriating a value to the deserving and the poor, the meritocratic ideology has become the ethical legitimisation of inequality. 

All it took was to change its name and inequality went from being an evil to being a good. There were three steps: 1. considering people's talents a merit and not a gift; 2. reducing people's many merits to those easiest to measure by consultancy firms (who today sees the ‘merits’ of compassion, meekness, humility?); 3. reading talent as merit leads to remunerating merits differently and thus widening the gaps between people.

The misunderstanding about merit can already be found within our wonderful Constitution, which states in Article 34: “The able and deserving, even if deprived of means, have the right to reach the highest grades of studies”. It is not by coincidence that the new government has relied on this article to justify changing the name of the Ministry “of Education” to that of “Education and Merit”, creeping into the loophole left open by the ambiguity of that Article 34. 

Merit lovers say: “merit is not just talent, it is a combination of talent and commitment, so what is rewarded is personal commitment”. However, these meritocrats forget the crucial element: being able to commit oneself is not a merit either, it is above all a gift. Coming home from school and having time to do homework, instead of having to work, is not a merit. If we are honest, we have to recognise that what we are and become is 90 % gift and 10 % merit; meritocracy, on the other hand, overturns this percentage, and makes that slender 10 % the cornerstone of the edifice of justice.

Being institutions, schools must be anti-meritocratic: that is, they must reduce those asymmetries of starting points that have nothing to do with the merit of our children. A social system that rewards the already capable does nothing but leave the less capable, who are generally not so because of demerit, but because of their living conditions, further and further behind. Don Milani, whose centenary we are celebrating this year, knew these things very well. He knew that his boys in Barbiana were not undeserving; they were not at fault, they were just poor. May this centenary make us reflect on the ideology of merit that is becoming the new religion of our time, a religion without gratuitousness and without God.

Photo credits: © Giuliano Dinon / Archivio MSA

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A social system that rewards the already capable does nothing but leave the less capable, who are generally not so because of demerit, but because of their living conditions, further and further behind.

by Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 04/06/2023

The resignation of Senator Carlo Cottarelli because, among other things, he did not see his party as strong enough in its support for meritocracy, has once again drawn attention to the meaning and ideology of merit in our time. Merit has always been an ambiguous word, because it is deeply linked to the fascination that merit exerts on all of us. We would all like to be deserving of our successes (less of our failures), no one likes to think that the nice career they have had is only the result of good luck and recommendations.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-even )
The poor and the ideology of merit

The poor and the ideology of merit

A social system that rewards the already capable does nothing but leave the less capable, who are generally not so because of demerit, but because of their living conditions, further and further behind. by Luigino Bruni published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 04/06/2023 The resignati...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 19532
    [title] => Urban gleanings
    [alias] => urban-gleanings
    [introtext] => 

At the origin of biblical civilisation we find the supportive institution of gleaning. It serves as the basis for the Book of Ruth: when the reapers went to cut the crops, they did not go over it a second time, because the gleaning was meant for the poor...

by Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di S. Antonio on 07/05/2023

Sir, how does this parking machine work?” asked an elderly lady who was trying, like me, to pay for parking on the blue-striped area. In that city, the company that manages the municipal car parks – which is public land, therefore everyone's – had the good idea, by now a widespread protocol, of requiring the citizen to enter their car plate number in the parking machine. “I don't remember it,” the lady tells me. She shows me where her car is, which is far away for her as she has difficulty walking. I go there, take a picture of the number plate, and help her pay for the ticket.

[fulltext] =>

In the end, a question arises in me: “Why is it necessary to enter the plate number?” The only answer I can think of is to prevent the one who parked there, paid for two hours and only stayed for one, from being able to donate the remaining hour to someone else. A lady friend of mine who is a police officer tells me that there might also be another reason: if I get fined by mistake because they do not see the receipt on the car, I can prove with the plate number that I had paid. To be honest I think the first reason is by far the dominant one, since in almost forty years of driving I have never received a fine when I had paid for parking! 

So the issue is simple: a for-profit company must maximise profits, and if it takes upon itself to manage a public good on behalf of the municipality, it does so with the aim of making a profit. However, I am convinced that public or private companies that manage common and public goods should be civil, or non-profit enterprises, i.e. they should not aim to maximise profits, but to efficiently manage an asset that belongs to everyone. The introduction of a price to manage public goods can serve to rationalise management (free things almost always become nobody's things) and not necessarily to make cash. 

But what are the effects of the introduction of the plate number? The first we have seen: people are not all equal in their ‘functioning’, as the great economist Amartya Sen would say. That is, public and administrative measures have different effects on different people. And a good criterion to follow when one wants to perform innovation in the field of public goods is to look at the effects of innovation starting with the most disadvantaged categories: the elderly, children, people with disabilities. 

Then there is the specific effect related to the prohibition to exchange tickets with other fellow citizens. When I was studying in London, there was a metro station where everyone knew that you could find tickets with a still valid duration, left there by those who had not used them all so that the young and the poor could get them. To prevent these (possible) exchanges for a few extra dollars, besides being civilly stupid, sends out signals about the kind of city you want to create: a city where the strong and the rich are better off, and where the frail and the discarded are worse off. At the origin of biblical civilisation we find the supportive institution of gleaning. It serves as the basis for the - beautiful - book of Ruth: when the reapers went to cut the crops, they did not go over it a second time, because the second round, the gleaning was meant for the poor, the widows and strangers... The fields did not belong to the owners, because “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it”.

We are privatising the common goods, we are eliminating the many ancient forms of gleaning. We will soon have cities inhabited by more and more merchants and fewer and fewer citizens, where all the harvest is exhausted in the first round. And perhaps the old lady will no longer leave her house to do her shopping: a new company will bring it to her door to make a profit from these deliveries. The city will be poorer and sadder, and so will we.

Photo credits: © Giuliano Dinon / Archivio MSA

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At the origin of biblical civilisation we find the supportive institution of gleaning. It serves as the basis for the Book of Ruth: when the reapers went to cut the crops, they did not go over it a second time, because the gleaning was meant for the poor...

by Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di S. Antonio on 07/05/2023

Sir, how does this parking machine work?” asked an elderly lady who was trying, like me, to pay for parking on the blue-striped area. In that city, the company that manages the municipal car parks – which is public land, therefore everyone's – had the good idea, by now a widespread protocol, of requiring the citizen to enter their car plate number in the parking machine. “I don't remember it,” the lady tells me. She shows me where her car is, which is far away for her as she has difficulty walking. I go there, take a picture of the number plate, and help her pay for the ticket.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-odd )
Urban gleanings

Urban gleanings

At the origin of biblical civilisation we find the supportive institution of gleaning. It serves as the basis for the Book of Ruth: when the reapers went to cut the crops, they did not go over it a second time, because the gleaning was meant for the poor... by Luigino Bruni published in Il Messagg...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 19504
    [title] => The ideology of management
    [alias] => the-ideology-of-management
    [introtext] => 

Management is becoming the new ideology of our global world, particularly the kind of management taught in business schools and conveyed by large global consulting firms.

by Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di S. Antonio on 06/04/2023

Management is becoming the new ideology of our global world, particularly the kind of management taught in business schools and conveyed by large global consulting firms. In the 20th century, social criticism had turned towards liberal economic theory, identifying theoretical economists as the great enemy to be fought in order to build a finally just and egalitarian society.

[fulltext] =>

While intellectuals, whether Catholics or socialists, were fighting this war, in the engineering faculties and business schools the techniques and tools of management were evolving, and in recent decades have progressively transformed into the “ideology of management” built around the three dogmas of incentive, leadership and merit. This ideology is spreading everywhere, including Christian communities and churches, where leadership courses for pastors and movement leaders are now multiplying, where you can no longer hold a conference or general chapter without professional coaches or facilitators from the business world, as if we had suddenly forgotten that ancient wisdom of how to conduct community meetings and assemblies. 

Even the European world and countries with a Catholic culture like Italy are undergoing a rapid evolution and cultural change. We Catholics were so convinced that the laws of life did not follow those of merit that we had relegated it to heaven, where it was the criterion for “deserving” hell or heaven. The Protestant world, on the other hand, in the name of salvation by sola gratia (Luther) or by predestination (Calvin) had expelled merit from heaven and hell, and a few centuries later invented meritocracy on earth (which originated in the United States). Business is exporting this Protestant humanism from the US (and Northern Europe) all over the world, and today it is doing so above all with the ideology of management, which has penetrated so far into Italy that the name of the Ministry of Education has been changed to “Education and Merit”.

Thus, instead of the ancient ethics of virtues on which we had founded our civilisation, the ideology of management and of global and total consultancy offers a set of principles, good practices, elements of psychology, quotations from the classics of philosophy, sociology and economics, a few anecdotes of game theory, many flow charts and some wonderful power points. And finally, consultants of all kinds and names are converting management principles into operational management and governance tools. Big business has thus become the paradigm that everyone should follow if they want to do good and serious things. In the 20th century it was democracy, hence participation, that offered the model to be extended to all civil life. But while the first democratic transformation since the ancien régime took place amidst conflict and great social struggles, the great ethical and cultural transformation that business is bringing about in the world is taking place amidst (almost) general indifference. We are not talking about denying the importance of economic values and virtues, that would be foolish and wrong. The problem is a different one, and it concerns neither business nor the necessary management, let alone the entrepreneurs who are the first victims of this new chapter. The problems concern the ideology of management, which arrives everywhere because, by way of cheating, it presents itself secularly as a technique, and therefore as something necessary and non-ideological. Perhaps it is time to become aware of it and talk about it more.

Photo credits: © Giuliano Dinon / Archivio MSA

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Management is becoming the new ideology of our global world, particularly the kind of management taught in business schools and conveyed by large global consulting firms.

by Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di S. Antonio on 06/04/2023

Management is becoming the new ideology of our global world, particularly the kind of management taught in business schools and conveyed by large global consulting firms. In the 20th century, social criticism had turned towards liberal economic theory, identifying theoretical economists as the great enemy to be fought in order to build a finally just and egalitarian society.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-even )
The ideology of management

The ideology of management

Management is becoming the new ideology of our global world, particularly the kind of management taught in business schools and conveyed by large global consulting firms. by Luigino Bruni published in Il Messaggero di S. Antonio on 06/04/2023 Management is becoming the new ideology of our ...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 18474
    [title] => For a new spiritual capital
    [alias] => for-a-new-spiritual-capital
    [introtext] => 

Today, we should take the part of Christianity that’s still alive and inculturate it in our post-Christian time, which no longer understands the languages of faith, but would be able to understand them through an appropriate cultural and narrative operation.

by Luigino Bruni

published in Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 03/03/2023

Christianity, that is, Christian civilisation, was not born out of the Gospel alone. It was the result of a hybridisation between the Gospels, the Bible, Greco-Roman culture, Italic and European civilisations, and also the Longobard, Nordic, Slavic, Byzantine and Arab civilisations. Christian Europe is the fruit of this cross-breeding, much richer and more varied than just Christian theology or faith. Popular piety is an interweaving of many faiths and traditions, and processions have gradually taken the place of pagan processions dedicated to the gods of the fields and nature. The vast majority of pre-modern Italians and Europeans had no idea what the Holy Trinity was, no idea of the difference between Jesus and God the Father, no idea of the difference between Jesus, Our Lady and the saints: they were all deities on whom, they believed, life depended. On their feasts, the ancient Europeans and Italians continued to sing the usual songs behind the processional canopies, only carrying a different statue under them, and sometimes not even that.

[fulltext] =>

This mixing went on, without major discontinuities, until the 20th century. The religion of my grandmother and grandfather, peasants and Christians, consisted of prayers in a dialect version of Latin with incomprehensible content. In Mary they saw not so much her immaculate conception, but that she had been a mother, that she had given birth in the cold and frost in a stable, that she had been under the cross of her son, that she had held him, dead, in her arms. As they, too, did, as women and mothers did. They did not know Christological dogmas, but they knew that Jesus was good, that he loved the poor and healed the sick, that he had died crucified with his mother under the cross, that therefore he too had suffered much, perhaps more than they did. And that is why they loved him, and that was all they needed to believe that God the Father was also good, but could always get angry and punish (the idea that God was only love was never the idea of the people). Even today, my father can recite only one prayer by heart in a mixture of Italian and Ascolan dialect. It is not among those learned in catechism (which I believe he never attended, catechism was one of the things for the rich or for city children), it is a prayer that is theologically imperfect, but full of the life and faith of the people. People who knew nothing of theology, but on 28 December, in memory of the ‘Slaughter of the Innocents’ by Herod, did not cut bread so as not to have to hold a knife in their hands.

The Church, especially the Catholic Church, was therefore not afraid to take pagan festivals and integrate them into Christian civilisation. Today we should do a similar and symmetrical operation: take the part of Christianity that’s still alive and inculturate it in our post-Christian time, which no longer understands the languages of faith, but would be able to understand them through an appropriate cultural and narrative operation. Just as the Christians took the pagan temples and built new churches on top of them (in Syracuse or Ascoli you can still see these), today we should take the pillars of Christianity that are still alive - especially the spiritual ones - and build new spiritual edifices on top of them that can be filled by the women and men of our time, who no longer understand the theological language of the 20th century but who still thirst and hunger for God, for salvation, for Christ. It’s a difficult operation, but an essential one: otherwise, depression will be the pandemic of the coming years. We are seriously behind schedule. Dietrich Boenhoeffer wrote this in his wonderful letter from prison on 30 April 1944, when he announced the need for a post-religious Christianity. Behind schedule, but perhaps still in time.

Photo credits: © Giuliano Dinon / Archivio MSA

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Today, we should take the part of Christianity that’s still alive and inculturate it in our post-Christian time, which no longer understands the languages of faith, but would be able to understand them through an appropriate cultural and narrative operation.

by Luigino Bruni

published in Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 03/03/2023

Christianity, that is, Christian civilisation, was not born out of the Gospel alone. It was the result of a hybridisation between the Gospels, the Bible, Greco-Roman culture, Italic and European civilisations, and also the Longobard, Nordic, Slavic, Byzantine and Arab civilisations. Christian Europe is the fruit of this cross-breeding, much richer and more varied than just Christian theology or faith. Popular piety is an interweaving of many faiths and traditions, and processions have gradually taken the place of pagan processions dedicated to the gods of the fields and nature. The vast majority of pre-modern Italians and Europeans had no idea what the Holy Trinity was, no idea of the difference between Jesus and God the Father, no idea of the difference between Jesus, Our Lady and the saints: they were all deities on whom, they believed, life depended. On their feasts, the ancient Europeans and Italians continued to sing the usual songs behind the processional canopies, only carrying a different statue under them, and sometimes not even that.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-odd )
For a new spiritual capital

For a new spiritual capital

Today, we should take the part of Christianity that’s still alive and inculturate it in our post-Christian time, which no longer understands the languages of faith, but would be able to understand them through an appropriate cultural and narrative operation. by Luigino Bruni published in Messag...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 18473
    [title] => Disappearing adults
    [alias] => disappearing-adults
    [introtext] => 

Today, it is more urgent than ever to re-invent adult life, crushed by an artificially prolonged youth and old age. You are not fully adult until you really work, because the age of responsibility does not actually begin.

by Luigino Bruni

published inl Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 02/02/2023

Our time is experiencing a new protagonism of young people, who are doing extraordinary things in many countries. They are young people and teenagers together, and the presence of teenagers is a great novelty compared to the similar phenomenon of 1968. From the ‘Fridays for future’ to the young Iranians and Afghans, to the ‘Economy of Francesco’, and up to the young people of the ‘Last Generation’, who are daubing pictures and buildings with washable paint to remind everyone that the powerful have daubed, with indelible paint, the planet and their future. Wonderful young people they are, who are saving us, yet we don't want to take them seriously enough. Because our capitalist culture loves youth, but it loves young people very little. Thus, while it appreciates more and more the values associated with youth – beauty, health, energy... – it understands less and less and even despises the values of old age, which are nonetheless fundamental, and which it tries in every way to remove from its horizon that in turn becomes dulled and saddened. Because a civilisation that does not value the elderly and does not know how to grow old is as foolish as the one that does not understand and value the actual young: our generation is the first to add these two foolishnesses together.

[fulltext] =>

That our culture does not like young people can be seen by the way it treats them at schools, universities, in the world of work, institutions and political parties, where young people are increasingly absent and kept far away. There are too many young people today who risk passing from youth to old age almost without realising it, without ever experiencing adulthood – you are treated as a young person until you are well into your 40s, but right after 50 you become old for just too many things. My parents did not live through 1968, although they were just as young as the protagonists of that era, for the simple reason that in the Marche countryside where they grew up youth had not yet been “invented”. Of course, the corresponding biological age existed: the “young” fell in love and dreamed, like today and like, I hope, tomorrow. But there was no such thing as the sort of category or social group we call youth today. This was “invented” by rock, the Beatles and then 1968. Before, with marriage or the military service, one went straight from adolescence to adult life, with all of its responsibilities.

The invention of youth was one of the greatest social inventions in history, changing society, politics, the economy, the way we have fun, dress, hope, work, live and die. But today it is more urgent than ever to re-invent adult life, crushed by an artificially longer youth and old age. You are not fully adult until you really and seriously work, because the age of responsibility does not really begin. And work that arrives too late, and which – if and when it arrives – is too often insecure, fragmented, precarious and fragile, does nothing but nurture and prolong youth beyond its biological horizons, while also distorting it. Youth is wonderful because it ends, and when it does not end it is an anthropological and social tragedy. All this makes the world of economics, society and institutions lose the fundamental vital and moral energy that comes from young people, and makes that fundamental process and passage that should swiftly lead them to real work bumpy and too risky for them. It is not easy to get out of this sort of epochal and collective “poverty trap” into which we have, more or less consciously, fallen, especially in the West. But we must begin to see it, and to call it by its name. 

Photo credits: © Giuliano Dinon / MSA Archive

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Antonio [helixultimate_page_subtitle] => Civil Economy [helixultimate_page_title_heading] => h2 [page_title] => Messaggero di S. Antonio [page_description] => [page_rights] => [robots] => [access-view] => 1 ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [displayDate] => 2023-02-17 16:00:54 [tags] => Joomla\CMS\Helper\TagsHelper Object ( [tagsChanged:protected] => [replaceTags:protected] => [typeAlias] => [itemTags] => Array ( ) ) [slug] => 18473:disappearing-adults [parent_slug] => 893:it-editoriali-vari [catslug] => 889:en-msa [event] => stdClass Object ( [afterDisplayTitle] => [beforeDisplayContent] => [afterDisplayContent] => ) [text] =>

Today, it is more urgent than ever to re-invent adult life, crushed by an artificially prolonged youth and old age. You are not fully adult until you really work, because the age of responsibility does not actually begin.

by Luigino Bruni

published inl Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 02/02/2023

Our time is experiencing a new protagonism of young people, who are doing extraordinary things in many countries. They are young people and teenagers together, and the presence of teenagers is a great novelty compared to the similar phenomenon of 1968. From the ‘Fridays for future’ to the young Iranians and Afghans, to the ‘Economy of Francesco’, and up to the young people of the ‘Last Generation’, who are daubing pictures and buildings with washable paint to remind everyone that the powerful have daubed, with indelible paint, the planet and their future. Wonderful young people they are, who are saving us, yet we don't want to take them seriously enough. Because our capitalist culture loves youth, but it loves young people very little. Thus, while it appreciates more and more the values associated with youth – beauty, health, energy... – it understands less and less and even despises the values of old age, which are nonetheless fundamental, and which it tries in every way to remove from its horizon that in turn becomes dulled and saddened. Because a civilisation that does not value the elderly and does not know how to grow old is as foolish as the one that does not understand and value the actual young: our generation is the first to add these two foolishnesses together.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-even )
Disappearing adults

Disappearing adults

Today, it is more urgent than ever to re-invent adult life, crushed by an artificially prolonged youth and old age. You are not fully adult until you really work, because the age of responsibility does not actually begin. by Luigino Bruni published inl Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 02/02/2023 Our...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 19422
    [title] => The school of the street and the poor
    [alias] => the-school-of-the-street-and-the-poor
    [introtext] => 

The distance between the rulers and the poor is a major problem of democracy. Without a new competence of politics and politicians, the distance between life and the palace is bound to grow.

by Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 06/01/2023

In one of the most beautiful pages of the book Cuore (Heart) by Edmondo De Amicis, Alberto Bottini, the father of Enrico (the boy protagonist of the book) says to his son: ‘the man who associates with but one social class is like the student who reads but one book’ (English translation by Isabel F. Hapgood). In that post-unification phase of the country, it was very important to try to “make Italians” by overcoming the feudal world and its castes. And this overcoming in the direction of civil fraternity was entrusted above all to the public school, which was becoming compulsory for the first years of primary school.

[fulltext] =>

The message for Enrico, son of the bourgeoisie, was clear: make friends with youngsters of all social classes, from the bricklayer to the blacksmith's son, because this boyhood friendship will be decisive for a new social friendship when you become adult citizens. This sentence contains great wisdom. Today, in fact, we know that the first reason for the decline of all elites - cultural, economic, political or religious - lies in the loss of relational biodiversity. When a group of people feels and represents itself as an elite, and therefore stops frequenting the places that are for everybody, no longer having friends and acquaintances from different cultures and socio-economic conditions; when the life of the members of this elite takes place only in luxury hotels, golf courses, starred restaurants, no longer having contact with people in the metro, in the markets, in the queues at the post office - then the inexorable decline of that elite has already begun.

And we are already seeing it with the current generation of managers of large corporations, in deep anthropological and semantic crisis (even if they are very rich), because it’s been too long now that they shut themselves away in self-referential worlds, losing contact even with their own workers and labourers. Yesterday's entrepreneur, in the vast majority of cases, lived in the town of everyone, sent his children to the schools of everyone, frequented bars and barbershops of everyone, and above all frequented the factories and workshops of his workers, and knew the work because he knew the workers and often worked with them, sharing smells and wounds. When this self-segregation happens also to the political elites called to govern, the damage is even greater. For they find themselves losing essential competence in the matters on which they are supposed to legislate.

Let us consider, for an important example, the issue of poverty. In the imagination of our rulers, among the million or so citizens who receive an average of around EUR 500 per month in citizenship income (the state-guaranteed minimum income in Italy - the tr.), there would be a significant proportion of culprits, that is, people who could work but instead, as they are lazy and slackers, prefer the sofa to work. Then one looks at the data and wonders where this belief, as strong as religious dogma, comes from. Those who know at least some of the families receiving citizenship income know very well that if these people do not work it is almost always because of some serious problem, and that leading a degraded life that leads you to prefer the sofa to work is also a form of poverty.

But the distance between the rulers and the truly poor is a major problem of democracy. Too many politicians talk about the poor in the abstract, without ever having seen them, having spoken to them. They thus make laws for the imagined poor and end up losing touch with the real poor who, for this reason too, become the rejects of society. Without a new competence of politics and politicians, who are willing to return to the school of the street and of the poor, the distance between life and the palace is bound to grow inexorably.

Photo credits: © Giuliano Dinon / MSA Archive

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The distance between the rulers and the poor is a major problem of democracy. Without a new competence of politics and politicians, the distance between life and the palace is bound to grow.

by Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 06/01/2023

In one of the most beautiful pages of the book Cuore (Heart) by Edmondo De Amicis, Alberto Bottini, the father of Enrico (the boy protagonist of the book) says to his son: ‘the man who associates with but one social class is like the student who reads but one book’ (English translation by Isabel F. Hapgood). In that post-unification phase of the country, it was very important to try to “make Italians” by overcoming the feudal world and its castes. And this overcoming in the direction of civil fraternity was entrusted above all to the public school, which was becoming compulsory for the first years of primary school.

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The school of the street and the poor

The school of the street and the poor

The distance between the rulers and the poor is a major problem of democracy. Without a new competence of politics and politicians, the distance between life and the palace is bound to grow. by Luigino Bruni published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 06/01/2023 In one of the most beautiful pag...
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    [title] => More time to economics (and to children)
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How to teach the correct use of money to children? Here are four rules that might be useful in the family...

By Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 04/12/2022

The use of money within primary relationships is always very delicate, especially in the family, where children, teenagers and young adults enter the money game. It may be useful to follow four rules, supported by the research of economic science and by practice.

[fulltext] =>

Rule number one. The money must come from the parents; they are the sole administrators of the family money. And even when external donations come in (for confirmations, birthdays...) these must be known and managed by the parents. The Adventures of Pinocchio tells us very clearly: the money that lands in Pinocchio’s hands only causes him trouble. Once children pass the age of 10, it becomes difficult to give them gifts that they appreciate, and the temptation to give money is strong. This practice almost always becomes a shortcut because there is no time to choose a gift together, because we do not know our children well enough, because we do not have time. Grandparents love to open bank accounts and insurance policies for their grandchildren. Let them do it, but don't let them tell about it to the grandchildren: encourage them to express their love in other forms.

Rule number two. Do not use money as an incentive to get something from your sons and daughters. They must be motivated, of course, but within their home and from an early age they must be taught the art of gratuitousness, not the art of commerce; they will have time for the latter throughout their lives, and it will only be a good art if it rests on the art of gratuitousness. Because the family (along with the school) is the first place where one learns that there are beautiful and good things that must be done not because of the reward they give us, but because these things are beautiful and good. It is the education of “and that’s all” that really counts when you are young. So it is quite a bad thing to make a price list at home (2 Euros for doing the dishes, 3 Euros for walking the dog...) or to invent the “pocket money for good grades” invented by an economist colleague of mine (that he later regretted, when he saw that his daughter did nothing without being paid: but it was too late, he had created a homo oeconomicus in skirts).

Rule number three. Pocket money, which a certain dominant economic culture is introducing into families, is dangerous. Pocket money is recommended by many experts because it is seen as education for responsibility. What studies show instead is that pocket money tends to increase a mercantile attitude towards life and friends in children, and also towards themselves. And this is serious: if we do not learn as children to place an intrinsic value on what the ancient world called virtues, once we grow up we will be bad workers that will only work if and when there is a “carrot and stick”.

Rule number four. Learn to develop non-monetary rewards. Rewards are important with young ones because they reinforce good behaviour. But only as long as they do not become an incentive. The reward, if non-monetary and symbolic (a trip, a gift, or even a hug...), recognises that the action done is good: it is not a contract, the price is not defined before the action is done, it is not always there but only sometimes, and it changes over time. Rewards reinforce gratuitousness, incentives erode it.

Our capitalism is turning all pacts into contracts and all rewards into incentives. Let us at least protect the family from this invasion, let us keep the innocent temple of children's hearts free of merchants. Many mistakes are made in this field due to a lack of thought and attention, especially on the part of pedagogues and moralists, who have always underestimated the economic weight in the education of children. We must devote more time to economics, if only to guard against its mighty and powerful logic.

Photo credits: © Giuliano Dinon / MSA Archive

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How to teach the correct use of money to children? Here are four rules that might be useful in the family...

By Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 04/12/2022

The use of money within primary relationships is always very delicate, especially in the family, where children, teenagers and young adults enter the money game. It may be useful to follow four rules, supported by the research of economic science and by practice.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-even )
More time to economics (and to children)

More time to economics (and to children)

How to teach the correct use of money to children? Here are four rules that might be useful in the family... By Luigino Bruni published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 04/12/2022 The use of money within primary relationships is always very delicate, especially in the family, where chil...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 19356
    [title] => The poor explain the Gospel to us
    [alias] => the-poor-explain-the-gospel-to-us
    [introtext] => 

Today the earth is full of Samaritans and Syro-Phoenician Women waiting for us at the crossroads to explain the Gospel that they do not yet know: when will we bend down to listen to them?

By Luigino Bruni

published in Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 8/11/2022

The parable of the “Good Samaritan” is among the most beautiful in the Gospels (Luke 10). Pope Francis chose this parable as the biblical cornerstone of his encyclical on fraternity, Fratelli tutti. The first message of the Good Samaritan is the difference between “neighbour” and “the person close to one”. The Samaritan who passed by on the road was not the closest person to the victim who fell into the hands of the robbers; on the contrary, he was the furthest from him from all points of view (by religion, ethnicity, and geography). Instead, the injured man’s neighbours were the priest and the Levite, who, on the contrary, did not stop. So, the Samaritan made himself a neighbour of that person even though he was not close to him.

[fulltext] =>

The golden rule of the Gospel then disentangles love from the many forms of proximity: one does not love one's neighbour because he is close to me, or because he is closer to me than another person, but because he is a person who is in need, because he is a victim. Otherwise, as the economist Amartya Sen reminded us (The Idea of Justice), we will always have people who are closer to us than others, and therefore we will not be just because every idea of justice carries with it an idea of fairness of treatment. If I treat those closest to me better than those who are less close, the first rule of justice is broken. So the phrases and policies that are based on expressions like “Italians first”, “Europeans first”, “Catholics first” are radically contrary to the logic and politics of the Gospel, which only allows us to say: “The first one is the one I meet on the road who is in need”.

Jesus himself learns the logic of the Good Samaritan, when (as Mark's Gospel recounts in chapter 7:24-30) he meets the Syro-Phoenician woman. That woman, who is from another people and another religion, therefore a ‘distant’ one, asks him to cast a demon out of her young daughter. And Jesus as a first response confuses the one who is close with one’s neighbour, and says to her, “First let the children eat all they want, for it is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs”. Here Jesus repeats what any sensible person would say. To take care of one's own children first and then those of others is part of natural law: it is not good to take care of others without having solved the problems of the family first.

But the Gospel is neither common sense nor natural law: it is agape, it is something else. There and then, that foreign and distant woman, though she was unaware of it, was telling Jesus the parable of the Good Samaritan, she was teaching him his Gospel. Jesus let himself be converted by her: »“Lord,” she replied, “even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.” Then he told her, “For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter.”« It is wonderful to see Jesus learning his Gospel from a pagan woman, from a mother, it is moving and absolutely human to see that even Jesus changes his mind, that even God is converted.

The Church still follows Jesus if she continues to be converted by the victims, if and when she is capable of rediscovering the Gospel by meeting the poor along the road, those poor and distant people who have explained and still explain to the Church its own Gospel, with words that speak of human rights, respect, equality, fraternity and sorority. The Church has been converted to a more Christian Gospel through the humane words of victims and the distant ones. For in the Bible man learns heaven from God but God learns earth from men, women and children. Today the earth is full of Samaritans and Syro-Phoenician Women waiting for us at the crossroads to explain the Gospel that they do not yet know: when will we bend down to listen to them?

Photo credits: © Giuliano Dinon / MSA Archive

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Today the earth is full of Samaritans and Syro-Phoenician Women waiting for us at the crossroads to explain the Gospel that they do not yet know: when will we bend down to listen to them?

By Luigino Bruni

published in Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 8/11/2022

The parable of the “Good Samaritan” is among the most beautiful in the Gospels (Luke 10). Pope Francis chose this parable as the biblical cornerstone of his encyclical on fraternity, Fratelli tutti. The first message of the Good Samaritan is the difference between “neighbour” and “the person close to one”. The Samaritan who passed by on the road was not the closest person to the victim who fell into the hands of the robbers; on the contrary, he was the furthest from him from all points of view (by religion, ethnicity, and geography). Instead, the injured man’s neighbours were the priest and the Levite, who, on the contrary, did not stop. So, the Samaritan made himself a neighbour of that person even though he was not close to him.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-odd )
The poor explain the Gospel to us

The poor explain the Gospel to us

Today the earth is full of Samaritans and Syro-Phoenician Women waiting for us at the crossroads to explain the Gospel that they do not yet know: when will we bend down to listen to them? By Luigino Bruni published in Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 8/11/2022 The parable of the “Good Samaritan” is ...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 19357
    [title] => “Donated indeed”: words to entrepreneurs
    [alias] => donated-indeed-words-to-entrepreneurs
    [introtext] => 

It is no longer the time when we can hide behind ‘the laws of the market’, because the market is us: the market is our choices, it is the picture of our values, our dignity, our reputation.

By Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 03/10/2022

Even though there is a hierarchy in business, and there are different functions, salaries should not be too different. If the gap between the highest and lowest salaries becomes too wide, the business community becomes sick, and soon society becomes sick.” These words are among those donated by Pope Francis to the entrepreneurs of Confindustria on 12 September. Donated, yes we could title them: because the words of Francis were above all a gift, particularly in the face of the difficulties of these extraordinary years, difficult for everyone and also for entrepreneurs, at least for those he likened to the “good shepherd” (certainly not for those akin to “mercenaries”), who therefore suffer when their business communities suffer.

[fulltext] =>

The issue of managers' wages in relation to workers' wages is very important. There cannot be a ratio of a hundred or a thousand to one.... It is increasingly decisive for the quality of capitalism today and tomorrow. The enterprise is also a community, although today a certain economic ‘thinking’ wants to deny this, in the name of a vision of the enterprise as a market where ‘contracts’ do everything without any need for ‘pacts’. A pact is not just a meeting of interests: it is a meeting of destinies, of souls, of lives. And those who work know that businesses without these, often implicit, social pacts do not work; and even if they do generate profits, they do not generate good life and well-being for working people. Pacts, unlike contracts, need a certain kind of equality – which is not perfect equality on all dimensions, though.

Every worker knows that the responsibilities, functions, talents and productivity of the various actors in an enterprise are different; they know this and do not claim to have the same salary as the general manager. But every worker, including that “worker” called entrepreneur (and manager) as Francis reminded us again, also knows that however different the various workers are, in the end they are all within the same reality, serving the same common good called the enterprise. Just as they know that without everyone's part, whether small or not, the enterprise does not work, or works badly. It is in this awareness of co-essentiality that the dignity, honour, respect, self-esteem of each worker lies. “I am not the boss, I did not study like the engineer; I know. But I too can do my job, I too am important, and if I stop the enterprise will not be as good as it is now. The charm and quality of our company also depends on me.” It is these thoughts that keep us on our feet every day, that make us open our PCs every morning with pride; and when they are missing, we switch off, first in our souls and then completely. And with us, our businesses get shut down, too.

Workers need this esteem as much as they need their salary. And if it is missing they do not do their best. And, Francis continues, “when salaries and wages are too different, the sense of belonging to a common destiny is lost in the corporate community, empathy and solidarity are not created among everyone; and so, when faced with a crisis, the work community does not respond as it could, with serious consequences for everyone.” Difficult times lie ahead, perhaps very difficult. In order for them not to be too difficult and therefore impossible, we need this sense of “common destiny” to grow in companies, for each person to feel that he or she is a co-protagonist in the collective enterprise of his or her company. All this is called politics. It is no longer the time to hide behind ‘the laws of the market’, because the market is us: the market is our choices; it is the photographic picture reflecting our values, our dignity, our honour: that of each and everyone.

In the photo: Todobrillo EoC company

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It is no longer the time when we can hide behind ‘the laws of the market’, because the market is us: the market is our choices, it is the picture of our values, our dignity, our reputation.

By Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 03/10/2022

Even though there is a hierarchy in business, and there are different functions, salaries should not be too different. If the gap between the highest and lowest salaries becomes too wide, the business community becomes sick, and soon society becomes sick.” These words are among those donated by Pope Francis to the entrepreneurs of Confindustria on 12 September. Donated, yes we could title them: because the words of Francis were above all a gift, particularly in the face of the difficulties of these extraordinary years, difficult for everyone and also for entrepreneurs, at least for those he likened to the “good shepherd” (certainly not for those akin to “mercenaries”), who therefore suffer when their business communities suffer.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-even )
“Donated indeed”: words to entrepreneurs

“Donated indeed”: words to entrepreneurs

It is no longer the time when we can hide behind ‘the laws of the market’, because the market is us: the market is our choices, it is the picture of our values, our dignity, our reputation. By Luigino Bruni published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 03/10/2022 “Even though there is a hierarchy...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 19358
    [title] => Sport and the market
    [alias] => sport-and-the-market
    [introtext] => 

The market is a matter of relationships and positive relationships are those that make everyone grow and in which no one loses. In this the market is indeed different from sport.

by Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 23/09/2022

Sport has always been juxtaposed with markets and the economy, but the parallels are not always proposed with sufficient attention and a discerning eye. In fact, there is a diverse set of words and inspirations that sport can offer markets: some are good and useful; some less so, some are simply misleading. Let us start with the good ones. The first concerns the relationship that exists in individual sports between the individual athlete and his or her team or national team.

[fulltext] =>

This relationship is complex, because it thrives on an interweaving of cooperation and competition, a lot of cooperation and a few instants of competition. During training, in relay races, it is cooperation and friendship that dominates: the good of all and the good of each coincide. During decisive competitions, on the other hand, relationships become zero-sum games, and competition becomes merely positional: the victory of one athlete means the defeat of others. Similarly, in market relationships between the various agents (companies, consumers, suppliers...), the vast majority of relationships are cooperative and mutually beneficial (positive-sum games), and competitions in which someone wins at the expense of others are very rare indeed. Why?

Let's imagine that Giovanni is a young plumber who starts his business as a small artisan entrepreneur. The best - for me the only - intelligent attitude with which he should start his enterprise is to ask himself: “Who in my town needs my services?” – and then look for customers with whom he can cooperate in a mutually beneficial relationship. If instead he starts by asking himself: “Where are the competitors I want to beat?” – Giovanni is not at all likely to become a good entrepreneur, because he will invest his energies in rival, non-generative passions. Because while in sport, perhaps, an athlete can also grow by directing his energies towards beating his competitors (but I still have my doubts here), the market is a matter of relationships and positive relationships are those that make everyone grow and in which no one loses. In this the market is really different from sport.

A second area of similarity between the market and sport is the role of competitors. In sport, having strong competitors is essential for individual athletes to grow and achieve excellent results. The situation is similar in the market, where the presence of competition is essential for improvement: monopolies are bad for any economic and social system, and in the long run also for the monopolist. Our choice of words is wrong, however, when we think that sport is just competition in a zero-sum game and therefore use the expressions ‘winning’ and ‘losing’ (these are bad words any time and everywhere) and apply them to businesses.

Thus we no longer understand what markets - and sport - are all about, because we lose sight of the golden law of economics: mutual benefit. When we leave a pizzeria and to our “Thank you” the owner replies: “Thank you”, we are simply saying that the economy in its true nature is a form of civilised reciprocity. This characteristic of markets was known even to the early economists of the 18th century, who hoped that the development of markets would lead to the end of wars, precisely because every merchant knows that the growth of others is the precondition for their own growth. Today, unfortunately, we seem to be forgetting this and thus in fact denying the peaceful nature of the economy by using sanctions as weapons of war.

Photo credits: © Giuliano Dinon / MSA Archive

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The market is a matter of relationships and positive relationships are those that make everyone grow and in which no one loses. In this the market is indeed different from sport.

by Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 23/09/2022

Sport has always been juxtaposed with markets and the economy, but the parallels are not always proposed with sufficient attention and a discerning eye. In fact, there is a diverse set of words and inspirations that sport can offer markets: some are good and useful; some less so, some are simply misleading. Let us start with the good ones. The first concerns the relationship that exists in individual sports between the individual athlete and his or her team or national team.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-odd )
Sport and the market

Sport and the market

The market is a matter of relationships and positive relationships are those that make everyone grow and in which no one loses. In this the market is indeed different from sport. by Luigino Bruni published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 23/09/2022 Sport has always been juxtaposed with market...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 19274
    [title] => The big bluff
    [alias] => the-big-bluff
    [introtext] => 

For forty years we have been drunk on privatisation, we have dismantled public and common goods and entrusted them to the capitalist market. But the private sector is not the Promised Land...

By Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 01/07/2022

The pandemic, the climate crisis before that, the war in Ukraine and its implications on the costs and prices of almost everything should make us think much more about the relationship between the private and the public. For forty years we have been drunk with privatisation, we have dismantled public and common goods and entrusted them to the capitalist market, convinced that the motive of private profit was the only motivation for workers and entrepreneurs to engage. And so railways, energy, water, highways, and even more of health, schools and universities are run by private capital and capitalists, and the profits that arise from these common goods end up in a very few, already very rich hands.

[fulltext] =>

The paradox of all this is that the first enthusiast of this religious dogma - more private equals more motivation and thus more efficiency - has been and continues to be the European left, which was born out of a critique of capitalism and profit. And so, faced with the rising cost of fuel, which, along with inflation, is starving low- and middle-income families day after day (we will take notice of this in a few months), the tolls on motorways could at least have been reduced if, as we were promised after the Morandi bridge collapsed, they had been returned to public hands. If there is a sure-fire profitable business, it is motorway management, even more so in a long and touristy country like Italy.

We have been convinced that the private sector is the paradise of the new economy, the public sector is hell, and the non-profit sector purgatory. As an economist and as a historian of economic thought, I still cannot understand how this unhealthy and wrong idea could be established. I know about ideologies and demagogues, but I am still waiting for someone to show me why the common goods are better managed by the private than the public. Italy invented the free communes, and already with the Romans and then in the Middle Ages it invented the common management of collective resources. We performed authentic economic, civil and artistic miracles in the past, because cities were forms of cooperatives, consortia of citizens who managed many political activities and also many businesses together.

Privatisation capitalism is an imported product, from countries (such as the USA and Holland) that are anti-liberal in key and important industries, as we all know. We need to rethink, immediately and profoundly, the relationship between the public and the private. Global environmental common goods managed with private logic are not only no longer efficient but they are being destroyed: one only has to read what ecologist Garrett Hardin wrote about the 'tragedy of the commons'. And we are seeing it, and seeing it more by the day.

Health and transport are other common goods where private profit is too little, there is a need for principles, norms and values that keep in mind the dimension of the Common Good: in some areas private interests, too, can generate the Common Good (shoes, clothes, perhaps also in fruit), but in other areas the values to be protected are so important and decisive that they must be managed without being driven by the incentives of private profits, which are too weak for the really crucial things. We knew these things in the past. Then the new consultants came along, children of the business schools, with little humanistic culture and a lot of English, and decided that the private sector was the Promised Land. They convinced us, they have also convinced the politicians, and now they are convincing practically everyone, even the churches. When will we see through this deception and call it bluff? 

Photo credits: © Giuliano Dinon / MSA Archive

[checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [catid] => 889 [created] => 2022-07-11 09:40:23 [created_by] => 64 [created_by_alias] => Luigino Bruni [state] => 1 [modified] => 2022-08-27 14:57:17 [modified_by] => 64 [modified_by_name] => Antonella Ferrucci [publish_up] => 2022-07-11 09:41:21 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [images] => {"image_intro":"","float_intro":"","image_intro_alt":"","image_intro_caption":"","image_fulltext":"","float_fulltext":"","image_fulltext_alt":"","image_fulltext_caption":""} [urls] => {"urla":false,"urlatext":"","targeta":"","urlb":false,"urlbtext":"","targetb":"","urlc":false,"urlctext":"","targetc":""} [attribs] => {"article_layout":"","show_title":"","link_titles":"","show_tags":"","show_intro":"","info_block_position":"","info_block_show_title":"","show_category":"","link_category":"","show_parent_category":"","link_parent_category":"","show_associations":"","show_author":"","link_author":"","show_create_date":"","show_modify_date":"","show_publish_date":"","show_item_navigation":"","show_icons":"","show_print_icon":"","show_email_icon":"","show_vote":"","show_hits":"","show_noauth":"","urls_position":"","alternative_readmore":"","article_page_title":"","show_publishing_options":"","show_article_options":"","show_urls_images_backend":"","show_urls_images_frontend":"","helix_ultimate_image":"images\/2022\/07\/11\/Grande_Bluff_lug-ago22@MSA_ant.jpg","helix_ultimate_image_alt_txt":"","spfeatured_image":"images\/2022\/07\/11\/Grande_Bluff_lug-ago22@MSA_ant.jpg","helix_ultimate_article_format":"standard","helix_ultimate_audio":"","helix_ultimate_gallery":"","helix_ultimate_video":"","video":""} [metadata] => {"robots":"","author":"","rights":"","xreference":""} [metakey] => [metadesc] => [access] => 1 [hits] => 631 [xreference] => [featured] => 1 [language] => en-GB [on_img_default] => [readmore] => 3114 [ordering] => 47 [category_title] => EN - MSA [category_route] => economia-civile/it-editoriali-vari/it-msa [category_access] => 1 [category_alias] => en-msa [published] => 1 [parents_published] => 1 [lft] => 77 [author] => Luigino Bruni [author_email] => [parent_title] => IT - Editoriali vari [parent_id] => 893 [parent_route] => economia-civile/it-editoriali-vari [parent_alias] => it-editoriali-vari [rating] => 0 [rating_count] => 0 [alternative_readmore] => [layout] => [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [article_layout] => _:default [show_title] => 1 [link_titles] => 1 [show_intro] => 1 [info_block_position] => 0 [info_block_show_title] => 1 [show_category] => 1 [link_category] => 1 [show_parent_category] => 1 [link_parent_category] => 1 [show_associations] => 0 [flags] => 1 [show_author] => 0 [link_author] => 0 [show_create_date] => 1 [show_modify_date] => 0 [show_publish_date] => 1 [show_item_navigation] => 1 [show_vote] => 0 [show_readmore] => 0 [show_readmore_title] => 0 [readmore_limit] => 100 [show_tags] => 1 [show_icons] => 1 [show_print_icon] => 1 [show_email_icon] => 1 [show_hits] => 0 [record_hits] => 1 [show_noauth] => 0 [urls_position] => 1 [captcha] => [show_publishing_options] => 1 [show_article_options] => 1 [save_history] => 1 [history_limit] => 10 [show_urls_images_frontend] => 0 [show_urls_images_backend] => 1 [targeta] => 0 [targetb] => 0 [targetc] => 0 [float_intro] => left [float_fulltext] => left [category_layout] => _:blog [show_category_heading_title_text] => 0 [show_category_title] => 0 [show_description] => 0 [show_description_image] => 0 [maxLevel] => 0 [show_empty_categories] => 0 [show_no_articles] => 1 [show_subcat_desc] => 0 [show_cat_num_articles] => 0 [show_cat_tags] => 1 [show_base_description] => 1 [maxLevelcat] => -1 [show_empty_categories_cat] => 0 [show_subcat_desc_cat] => 0 [show_cat_num_articles_cat] => 0 [num_leading_articles] => 0 [num_intro_articles] => 14 [num_columns] => 2 [num_links] => 0 [multi_column_order] => 1 [show_subcategory_content] => -1 [show_pagination_limit] => 1 [filter_field] => hide [show_headings] => 1 [list_show_date] => 0 [date_format] => [list_show_hits] => 1 [list_show_author] => 1 [list_show_votes] => 0 [list_show_ratings] => 0 [orderby_pri] => none [orderby_sec] => rdate [order_date] => published [show_pagination] => 2 [show_pagination_results] => 1 [show_featured] => show [show_feed_link] => 1 [feed_summary] => 0 [feed_show_readmore] => 0 [sef_advanced] => 1 [sef_ids] => 1 [custom_fields_enable] => 1 [show_page_heading] => 0 [layout_type] => blog [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [helixultimatemenulayout] => {"width":600,"menualign":"right","megamenu":0,"showtitle":1,"faicon":"","customclass":"","dropdown":"right","badge":"","badge_position":"","badge_bg_color":"","badge_text_color":"","layout":[]} [helixultimate_enable_page_title] => 1 [helixultimate_page_title_alt] => Messaggero di S. Antonio [helixultimate_page_subtitle] => Civil Economy [helixultimate_page_title_heading] => h2 [page_title] => Messaggero di S. Antonio [page_description] => [page_rights] => [robots] => [access-view] => 1 ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [displayDate] => 2022-07-11 09:40:23 [tags] => Joomla\CMS\Helper\TagsHelper Object ( [tagsChanged:protected] => [replaceTags:protected] => [typeAlias] => [itemTags] => Array ( ) ) [slug] => 19274:the-big-bluff [parent_slug] => 893:it-editoriali-vari [catslug] => 889:en-msa [event] => stdClass Object ( [afterDisplayTitle] => [beforeDisplayContent] => [afterDisplayContent] => ) [text] =>

For forty years we have been drunk on privatisation, we have dismantled public and common goods and entrusted them to the capitalist market. But the private sector is not the Promised Land...

By Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 01/07/2022

The pandemic, the climate crisis before that, the war in Ukraine and its implications on the costs and prices of almost everything should make us think much more about the relationship between the private and the public. For forty years we have been drunk with privatisation, we have dismantled public and common goods and entrusted them to the capitalist market, convinced that the motive of private profit was the only motivation for workers and entrepreneurs to engage. And so railways, energy, water, highways, and even more of health, schools and universities are run by private capital and capitalists, and the profits that arise from these common goods end up in a very few, already very rich hands.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-even )
The big bluff

The big bluff

For forty years we have been drunk on privatisation, we have dismantled public and common goods and entrusted them to the capitalist market. But the private sector is not the Promised Land... By Luigino Bruni published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 01/07/2022 The pandemic, the climate crisi...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 18997
    [title] => Of limitations and oppositions
    [alias] => of-limitations-and-oppositions
    [introtext] => 

We need to be aware, and keep our conscience alert, that every time we allow a ‘no’ to enter our lives, that ‘no’ multiplies, becomes a mountain, and reduces the horizon of freedom for us and for everyone.

by Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 23/09/2021

In the 1960s, Thomas Schelling, the Nobel Prize winner for Economics, developed models that help us understand certain socio-political phenomena. In particular, he showed how self-imposed personal limitations that seem 'normal' produce, once aggregated and on a large scale, very radical outcomes that individuals neither wanted nor foresaw at the beginning of the process. If, for example, on the first day of school every little girl thinks: ‘I would not like to sit at a desk between two boys’, this individual preference will produce a class with all the girls on one side and all the boys on the other. And we could go on with other similar examples.

[fulltext] =>

Schelling's scholarly work also offers important suggestions for democracy and community life. It makes us understand why certain 'macro' and collective phenomena that appear very polarised and extreme are the result of much less polarised and extreme individual preferences. In other words, ideological oppositions on ethical or political issues – on life, on sexual orientation, on immigrants, on Europe, on vaccines... – tend to become much more exasperated and polarised than people think when taken one by one, and this happens when we move from individuals to large collective subjects (parties, movements). Hence the experience that in private dialogues there is less opposition than in the parties or movements that those individuals vote for and are represented by. So a practical tip: if citizens do not want radical parties, it is a good idea to reduce the limitations and conditions of their personal preferences to a minimum, because a limitation that appears undemanding to us gets significantly amplified at a collective level.

ut let us also think about community life. In communities, those collective habits and practices which, seen from the outside (and sometimes even from the inside) appear bizarre or excessive usually arise from people who, taken one by one, are much less 'bizarre' than their community. Some habits (the way of praying, gesticulating, sitting at the table, speaking...) are not wanted by anyone taken individually, but are created thanks to the amplifications of aggregation. Managers must be well aware of these things, because conscience is the only way to prevent fundamentalist drifts; such drifts can be stopped if one is able not to approve of individual deformations which, taken in themselves, do not seem so serious, but become so when they are added to those of others.

We need to be aware, and keep our conscience alert, that every time we allow a ‘no’ – and it can be a ‘no’ to a person, to a dimension of diversity... – to enter our lives, that ‘no’ multiplies, becomes a mountain, and reduces the horizon of our freedom and that of everyone else. And we may easily find ourselves in a world that we do not like either, just because, when we were still in time, we did not keep our hearts and our world wide open. In this respect, the education of children and young people is essential, because it is in the first years of life that these ‘no's’ begin to creep into the small openings of our education. They enter, grow and then multiply in our communities. We achieved the political and economic miracles of the second half of the twentieth century because the great pain of the wars had eliminated many ‘no's’ in our parents' education. Today, while we are in the midst of other wars, we must prevent those ‘no's’ from re-entering our hearts and producing new collective monsters. The challenge is decisive, we cannot lose it.

Photo credits: © Giuliano Dinon / Archivio MSA 

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Antonio [helixultimate_page_subtitle] => Civil Economy [helixultimate_page_title_heading] => h2 [page_title] => Messaggero di S. Antonio [page_description] => [page_rights] => [robots] => [access-view] => 1 ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [displayDate] => 2021-09-22 07:49:23 [tags] => Joomla\CMS\Helper\TagsHelper Object ( [tagsChanged:protected] => [replaceTags:protected] => [typeAlias] => [itemTags] => Array ( ) ) [slug] => 18997:of-limitations-and-oppositions [parent_slug] => 893:it-editoriali-vari [catslug] => 889:en-msa [event] => stdClass Object ( [afterDisplayTitle] => [beforeDisplayContent] => [afterDisplayContent] => ) [text] =>

We need to be aware, and keep our conscience alert, that every time we allow a ‘no’ to enter our lives, that ‘no’ multiplies, becomes a mountain, and reduces the horizon of freedom for us and for everyone.

by Luigino Bruni

published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 23/09/2021

In the 1960s, Thomas Schelling, the Nobel Prize winner for Economics, developed models that help us understand certain socio-political phenomena. In particular, he showed how self-imposed personal limitations that seem 'normal' produce, once aggregated and on a large scale, very radical outcomes that individuals neither wanted nor foresaw at the beginning of the process. If, for example, on the first day of school every little girl thinks: ‘I would not like to sit at a desk between two boys’, this individual preference will produce a class with all the girls on one side and all the boys on the other. And we could go on with other similar examples.

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-odd )
Of limitations and oppositions

Of limitations and oppositions

We need to be aware, and keep our conscience alert, that every time we allow a ‘no’ to enter our lives, that ‘no’ multiplies, becomes a mountain, and reduces the horizon of freedom for us and for everyone. by Luigino Bruni published in Il Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 23/09/2021 In the 1960s, Tho...
stdClass Object
    [id] => 18981
    [title] => The logic of the ravine
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Ecology must be inserted within the economy, in that integral ecology-economy which is the great message of the encyclical «Laudato si'».

by Luigino Bruni

published in Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on11/08/2021

The economic theme of the moment is ecological transition. But the signals are ambiguous. Instead of putting a person with a strong and clear ecological sensibility in the Ministry of the Economy, we have put a man from the Bank of Italy and the financial world in there, and then we have put another person, another man in there for the ecological transition - who, by the way, comes from our largest state-owned company of arms. Thus continues the 'logic of the times' that has brought us to the ecological conditions that all of us are experiencing. This dichotomous logic causes the economy and finance to act according to their own rules (i.e. tax amnesties, the revival of gambling, etc.) and at the same time the Minister for the Transition should make the economy ecological, although it is conceived and conducted without being ecological from the beginning. We know, however, that if the economy is not "immediately" and from the outset ecological, it immediately becomes dis-economy. Ecology must be inserted within the economy, in that integral ecology-economy which is the great message of the "Laudato si'".

[fulltext] =>

The billions that are pouring in from Europe are also ambiguous. Not only do they not guarantee a solution to our problems, but they may be representative of a new problem. The influx of money means an increase in public debt, since a good part of those billions are loans, with better and good conditions, but still debt, which is added to the current debt (which has been rising in the last two years). And so we continue to dump our troubles on the future, as in the recent past. We called it Operation Next Generation EU, but as it looks now we are leaving the next generation with huge debts. That's why a wealth fund should be a complementary policy to Europe's aid-loans and increasing domestic debt. Because when we experience huge crises like covid is now, it is unethical to shift the consequences of extraordinary costs onto our children. If we are a community, when the house burns down or collapses, those who live in that house, and have the resources to do so, must pull them out for the "common good".

This is called the principle of subsidiarity, which dictates that before asking Europe for help, we as a country must take responsibility here and now for finding the resources and repairing the house that is crumbling. Because if this expenditure is done with debt, not only do we pass on our costs to the young, but we also make the poorest people pay the bill. We tax the non-wealthy. Because the general taxation is covered by the general tax collection, which means with the labours of employees and the lower and middle classes, because it is well known how much tax entrepreneurs, freelancers and the truly rich pay: repairing the extraordinary damage with ordinary taxes means asking the poor to pay for the repair of the houses of the rich, and making the next generations and the lower classes pay the bill for our tragedies. A case of profound injustice, which has been repeated for centuries amidst the silence of the media, because those who write and approve laws are the same ones who hold the reins of public opinion.

All this, and more, was discussed at the national Slotmob day against gambling on 10 July, and then (it will be discussed) at the Festival of Civil Economy  in Florence (Palazzo Vecchio) from 24 to 26 September. The idea is to continue to think about the economy in depth, so that the world does not continue to suffer too much "for lack of thought".

Photo credits: © Giuliano Dinon / MSA Archive


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Ecology must be inserted within the economy, in that integral ecology-economy which is the great message of the encyclical «Laudato si'».

by Luigino Bruni

published in Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on11/08/2021

The economic theme of the moment is ecological transition. But the signals are ambiguous. Instead of putting a person with a strong and clear ecological sensibility in the Ministry of the Economy, we have put a man from the Bank of Italy and the financial world in there, and then we have put another person, another man in there for the ecological transition - who, by the way, comes from our largest state-owned company of arms. Thus continues the 'logic of the times' that has brought us to the ecological conditions that all of us are experiencing. This dichotomous logic causes the economy and finance to act according to their own rules (i.e. tax amnesties, the revival of gambling, etc.) and at the same time the Minister for the Transition should make the economy ecological, although it is conceived and conducted without being ecological from the beginning. We know, however, that if the economy is not "immediately" and from the outset ecological, it immediately becomes dis-economy. Ecology must be inserted within the economy, in that integral ecology-economy which is the great message of the "Laudato si'".

[jcfields] => Array ( ) [type] => intro [oddeven] => item-even )
The logic of the ravine

The logic of the ravine

Ecology must be inserted within the economy, in that integral ecology-economy which is the great message of the encyclical «Laudato si'». by Luigino Bruni published in Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on11/08/2021 The economic theme of the moment is ecological transition. But the signals are ambiguous....