Civil Economy

essays, research and articles ranging from economy to the history of ideas

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Children of the World, Our Children

Every young person is the son or daughter of everyone, not just his or her parents. Every child born is an inhabitant of the earth, and therefore my neighbour. Europe was founded on this natural and Christian law. Following the example of Abraham and Sarah. by Luigino Bruni published in Messaggero...
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The almost sacredness of capitalism

Interview with John Milbank, Anglican Theologian of the University of Nottingham by Luigino Bruni My first question is, do you think that the present capitalism, the 21st century capitalism, which is quite different from the 20th or 19th century capitalism, presents some religious dimension? When yo...
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Economy and Sharing

Economy and Sharing

Columns - Beyond the market by Luigino Bruni published in pdf Città Nuova n.12/2016 (104 KB) November 2016 issue It is not easy to understand what is really happening in the growing phenomenon of the so-called sharing economy. Also because some very different experiences, sometimes to...
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The subsidiarity of emotions

The subsidiarity of emotions

Columns - Beyond the market by Luigino Bruni published in pdf Città Nuova n.11/2016 (116 KB) on novembre 2016 In large enterprises of our day the attention paid to the management of emotions is growing quickly. Economic organizations are beginning to feel instinctively that we are in...
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A Nobel for the economics that gathers ashes

A Nobel for the economics that gathers ashes

Nobel Prize for "contract theory", simple and disastrous by Luigino Bruni published in Avvenire on 11/10/2016 The culture of contracts is the big winner of our time of too many poor on the losers' side. It grew from the ashes of the culture of pacts, which had been the backbone of the family, civil ...
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Anorexia of Compassion. A New Concern for Feelings

Anorexia of Compassion. A New Concern for Feelings

Commentaries – Facing all the pain pervading our days by Luigino Bruni published in Avvenire on 29/07/2016 Our capacity to suffer because of the suffering of others and to rejoice for their joy has gone through a very rapid decline in a few decades. The consumer and comfort-focused society confus...
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“After the wind came an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake.”

“After the wind came an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake.”

by Luigino Bruni published in: Città Nuova on 24/08/2016 That clock tower on Amatrice church indicating 3.36 is a powerful image for what happened this night. That minute was the last minute for many victims, it will be a minute forever remembered because it is written in the flesh and hearts o...
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Human Wealth

Human Wealth

Commentaries - Work, its non-places and value by Luigino Bruni published in Avvenire on 01/05/2016 A great utopia of our capitalism is the construction of a society where there is no more need for human labour. There has always been a spirit of the economy that dreamed of "perfect" enterprises and m...