Civil Economy

essays, research and articles ranging from economy to the history of ideas

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The market, traffic, and "point-system ethics"

The market, traffic, and "point-system ethics"

The Italian economy within the context of international uncertainty. Instructions on how not to "flood your engine". By Luigino Bruni Published on 08/10/2009 Economy is a social science that makes much use of metaphors and images. The first, and still one of the most famous, ...
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Bruni: the encyclical is written by living it

by Fabio Poles Published  l'11 ottobre 2009 in Gente Veneta, n. 39/2009 «It´s not so much encyclicals that change history and the lives of people. They change history if they are written with the blood of martyrs. He who works so that the strength of an encyclical can be a force of change in ...
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Gratuitousness and unleavened bread

In the framework of the meeting between Movements, Associations and new Christian communities, "Together for Europe 2009", held at the International Center of Loppiano (Incisa Valdarno, Florence, Italy) on September 19-20, 2009 Speech by Luigino Bruni Loppiano, September 20, 2009 In periods of crisi...
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Something hasn´t changed

Interview with Luigino Bruni by Chiara Andreola published on 15/09/2009 in A year after the Lehman Brothers fell into bankruptcy, the event which set off the financial crisis, large banks´ old bad habits have come back. Obama himself addressed a strong warning towards the financ...
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Southern Italy is not a problem

Southern Italy is not a problem

Let´s get over the view of Italy as the sum of it´s North and South: Italy is a complex country, which needs to be seen on various levels in order to be understood and “treated”. by Luigino Bruni published on 12/08/2009 on The Italian political debate during the summer, maybe be...
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ABCDEconomy "S" as in "Subsidiarity"

ABCDEconomy by Luigino Bruni Subsidiarity. New inflections of an ancient principle Published in the monthly Communitas n.33  within the special issue titled L'abbecedario dell'economia civile (The ABCs of Civil Economy) There is not good civil and political life without subsidiarity. This ...
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The Novelty: Gratuitousness and Market

The Novelty: Gratuitousness and Market

by Luigino Bruni published in Città Nuova n.14/2009 Several papal encyclicals have marked epocal stages in history. The first wave of industrial capitalism had put many in crisis by the social questions it posed. Rerum Novarum gave voice to an entire cultural and social movement searching for ...
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The Novelty: Gratuitousness and Market

The Novelty: Gratuitousness and Market

by Luigino Bruni published in Città Nuova n.14/2009 Several papal encyclicals have marked epocal stages in history. The first wave of industrial capitalism had put many in crisis by the social questions it posed. Rerum Novarum gave voice to an entire cultural and social movement searching for answ...