Civil Economy

essays, research and articles ranging from economy to the history of ideas

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There is no price for salvation

There is no price for salvation

If we want to bring the modern spirit closer to Jesus' message of life, we need to purify theological language, starting with the economic and commercial language. by Luigino Bruni published in Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 12/07/2024 The first to use the economic metaphor in the New Testament wa...
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Times of Passage

Times of Passage

Rebirth requires learning/5. Over the years many things change, even within religious communities and spiritual movements. Looking back is not always the right way to overcome the crises of the new times. by Luigino Bruni published in Città Nuova on 13/06/2024 - From the Città Nuova Magazi...
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Freedom of devotion

Freedom of devotion

Popular piety was an immense collective exercise in subversion, especially of women. It was, in its own way, a wonderful hymn to life, the popular response to theological misconceptions. by Luigino Bruni published in Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 10/06/2024 “At the head of all is God, the master ...
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In the land of the “not yet”

In the land of the “not yet”

Editorials - The Jubilee and the remission of debt by Luigino Bruni published in Avvenire on 09/06/2024 This article went to press in a shortened version – here we are publishing it in full. In Christian Europe, debt has been fought and discouraged for a very long time. That criticism is related...
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If leadership enters the school

If leadership enters the school

If schools begin to differentiate students as leaders and followers, they undermine one of the pillars of education: the reduction of natural and social inequalities in the classroom to create the common citizenship essential to any social pact. by Luigino Bruni published in Messaggero di Sant'Ant...
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Charismas: border management

Charismas: border management

Rebirth requires learning/4 - How to keep charismatic communities alive and fresh in the generation following that of the founders by Luigino Bruni published in Città Nuova on 30/04/2024 - From the Città Nuova magazine n. 12/2023 Communities live within a dynamic tension between the “inside” an...
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Let us go back to measuring capital

Let us go back to measuring capital

For many years we have been consuming our natural, civil and spiritual capital as if they were infinite. What to do now that those capitals are actually running out? by Luigino Bruni published in Messaggero di Sant'Antonio on 06/04/2024 Ancient economy thought that wealth was linked to the posses...
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The essential courage to change

The essential courage to change

Rebirth requires learning/3 - What does the Gospel metaphor of the new wine tell us today? In new times it is necessary to have the courage to intone the funeral song, to give thanks for the past and then to have more faith in the present and the future: to believe more in the children of today than...